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Plant MetGenMAP manual

Input Data Format
Uploading and Processing
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    Upload Form
    Data uploading
    Processing Datasets
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Data uploading

Each field of the upload form is explained below in detail:

1. Project information

  1. Project title - Title of the project. Cannot exceed 15 characters.
  2. Project description - Description of the project. There is no limit to the number of characters in the description.
2. Specify organism and ID type
  1. Organism - Choose the organism from which the dataset was generated. The options currently include Arabidopsis, rice and tomato.
  2. ID type - Choose the identification format used in the gene expression dataset. The options for this parameter are dependent on which organism is chosen. Options for Arabidopsis include: ATH1 genome array and TAIR locus number (e.g., AT1G01040). Options for rice include: Affymetrix genome array and the genome locus number (e.g., LOC_Os10g33000). Options for tomato include: TOM1 cDNA array (e.g., 1-1-, TOM2 oligo array (e.g., LE3D02), Affymetrix genome array and SGN unigene (version: Tomato_200607_build_1; e.g., SGN-U314663).

    Note to tomato TOM2 oligo array users: Due to the multiple printing formats of TOM2 arrays, the system has stopped supporting the previous probe ID system for TOM2 arrays and started to use the original Plate IDs. Please contact us if there are any questions.
3. Upload gene expression data
  1. Expression data file - Enter the path and file name of the expression data file to be uploaded. The file must be in the correct format as indicated above.
  2. Up-regulation cutoff - Sets minimum value that characterizes a gene as significantly up-regulated. Default value is 2.
  3. Down-regulation cutoff - Sets maximum value that characterizes a gene as significantly down-regulated. Default value is 0.5. If the values in the dataset are fold changes or log2 transformed ratios, a negative value is needed as a cutoff.
  4. Whether the data contains p values - Indicates whether or not the dataset contains p values. For datasets without p values, leave the check box blank.
  5. p value cutoff - Sets value as maximum for significance. Default value is 0.05.
4. Upload metabolite data
  • This part is largely identical to the above section - "Upload gene expression data".
The user can upload both expression and metabolite profile data generated under one project at the same time. Just leave the other "path and file name" field blank if only one file is uploaded.

During the uploading process, the system checks whether the gene/metabolite identifiers are consistent with the ones stored in the database. For metabolites, the system accepts all synonyms listed in the metabolite synonym file. Warnings could be generated during the uploading process if the identifiers were not found in the database. For metabolites, this could be due to that these metabolites are not in the pathways. You can ignore these warnings and the system will not include the unmatched genes/metabolites in the downstream analyses.

Note: Please check your file carefully to make sure no typo errors in gene/metabolite identifiers.

This site is supported by NSF IOS-0501778 and IOS-0923312