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Plant MetGenMAP manual

Input Data Format
Uploading and Processing
    Obtaining an account
    Upload Form
    Data uploading
    Processing Datasets
Project Management
Browsing Pathways
Promoter analysis
Analyzing Dataset
    Changed Pathways
    GO Enrichment
    Functional classification
Adding New Platforms
Update Pathways and Genes


Plant MetGenMAP is a web-based analysis and visualization package that allows the user to identify significantly changed pathways and biological processes (i.e. enriched GO terms) from gene expression and/or metabolite profile datasets and to view the profile data in the context of biochemical pathways. Biochemical pathways the system used are extracted from the BioCyc databases or predicted using the Pathway Tools.

The lsit of the organisms and platforms currently supported by the system can be found at the homepage and the list of example input files for each organism/platform can be found at the help page.

More platforms from other plant species will be added in the future. If you have a BioCyc pathway database available and want to add a corresponding platform, please contact us.

This site is supported by NSF IOS-0501778 and IOS-0923312