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Plant MetGenMAP manual

Input Data Format
Uploading and Processing
    Obtaining an account
    Upload Form
    Data uploading
    Processing Datasets
Project Management
Browsing Pathways
Promoter analysis
Analyzing Dataset
    Changed Pathways
    GO Enrichment
    Functional classification
Adding New Platforms
Update Pathways and Genes

Processing Datasets

The uploaded datasets CANNOT be analyzed or explored until they are processed. Immediately after the dataset is uploaded, the system will ask the user to process the dataset. Processing can also be done at a later time at the "Project Management" page which lists the uploaded datasets in the system under the current user (for more information, see the "Project management" section). Datasets not yet processed have an option to be processed under its list of actions.

The data processing step will assign a code to each gene under each condition to indicate whether the expression of this gene is increased, decreased, or unchanged. The step will also identify changed pathways under each condition and calculate the significance of the change.

Significance of changed pathways

The significance of a changed pathway is determined using the hypergeometric distribution:

Where N is the total number of genes/metabolites in all the pathways, M is the total number of genes/metabolites in a particular pathway, n is the total number of significantly changed genes/metabolites in all the pathways, and x is the total number of significantly changed genes/metabolites in that particular pathway.

The p value obtained above can be explained in the following way:
Suppose that we have a total of N genes in all the pathways, and M genes belong to a particular pathway. Then the p value represents the possibility that, in a sample of n changed genes of all the pathways, we observe x or more changed genes in that particular pathway.

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