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GO terms for UN32181 (based on top Swiss-Prot and TrEMBL hits)

GO Biological Process GO:0043562 - cellular response to nitrogen levels
GO:0009416 - response to light stimulus
GO:0010200 - response to chitin
GO:0009737 - response to abscisic acid stimulus
GO:0009299 - mRNA transcription
GO:0043068 - positive regulation of programmed cell death
GO:0019941 - modification-dependent protein catabolic process
GO Molecular Function GO:0005515 - protein binding
GO:0008270 - zinc ion binding
GO:0046872 - metal ion binding
GO Cellular Component GO:0009535 - chloroplast thylakoid membrane
GO:0016020 - membrane
GO:0016021 - integral to membrane
GO:0005886 - plasma membrane
GO:0031351 - integral to plastid membrane