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GO terms for UN43425 (based on top Swiss-Prot and TrEMBL hits)

GO Biological Process GO:0006810 - transport
GO:0006351 - transcription, DNA-dependent
GO:0007094 - mitotic cell cycle spindle assembly checkpoint
GO:0006356 - regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase I promoter
GO:0006406 - mRNA export from nucleus
GO:0019221 - cytokine-mediated signaling pathway
GO:0006913 - nucleocytoplasmic transport
GO Molecular Function GO:0008270 - zinc ion binding
GO:0005515 - protein binding
GO:0003677 - DNA binding
GO:0046872 - metal ion binding
GO:0003676 - nucleic acid binding
GO Cellular Component GO:0005829 - cytosol
GO:0005634 - nucleus
GO:0005730 - nucleolus
GO:0005654 - nucleoplasm
GO:0005737 - cytoplasm