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GO terms for UN57771 (based on top Swiss-Prot and TrEMBL hits)

GO Biological Process GO:0006811 - ion transport
GO:0006810 - transport
GO:0006754 - ATP biosynthetic process
GO:0015986 - ATP synthesis coupled proton transport
GO:0015992 - proton transport
GO Molecular Function GO:0046961 - proton-transporting ATPase activity, rotational mechanism
GO:0046933 - hydrogen ion transporting ATP synthase activity, rotational mechanism
GO:0016787 - hydrolase activity
GO Cellular Component GO:0005634 - nucleus
GO:0005618 - cell wall
GO:0005886 - plasma membrane
GO:0005730 - nucleolus
GO:0005739 - mitochondrion
GO:0016020 - membrane
GO:0005737 - cytoplasm
GO:0045261 - proton-transporting ATP synthase complex, catalytic core F(1)
GO:0019898 - extrinsic to membrane
GO:0009507 - chloroplast
GO:0005743 - mitochondrial inner membrane