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GO terms for UN58331 (based on top Swiss-Prot and TrEMBL hits)

GO Biological Process GO:0006535 - cysteine biosynthetic process from serine
GO:0019344 - cysteine biosynthetic process
GO:0008152 - metabolic process
GO:0008652 - cellular amino acid biosynthetic process
GO:0046686 - response to cadmium ion
GO Molecular Function GO:0005515 - protein binding
GO:0005524 - ATP binding
GO:0003824 - catalytic activity
GO:0030170 - pyridoxal phosphate binding
GO:0047458 - beta-pyrazolylalanine synthase activity
GO:0016829 - lyase activity
GO:0004124 - cysteine synthase activity
GO:0016740 - transferase activity
GO Cellular Component GO:0009941 - chloroplast envelope
GO:0009536 - plastid
GO:0005737 - cytoplasm
GO:0005739 - mitochondrion
GO:0005777 - peroxisome
GO:0016020 - membrane
GO:0009507 - chloroplast
GO:0005634 - nucleus
GO:0009509 - chromoplast
GO:0005886 - plasma membrane
GO:0009570 - chloroplast stroma