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GO terms for UN59928 (based on top Swiss-Prot and TrEMBL hits)

GO Biological Process GO:0006812 - cation transport
GO:0055085 - transmembrane transport
GO:0006813 - potassium ion transport
GO:0008152 - metabolic process
GO:0006811 - ion transport
GO:0006810 - transport
GO Molecular Function GO:0030955 - potassium ion binding
GO:0015299 - solute:hydrogen antiporter activity
GO:0005509 - calcium ion binding
GO:0008324 - cation transmembrane transporter activity
GO:0015503 - glutathione-regulated potassium exporter activity
GO:0005488 - binding
GO:0003824 - catalytic activity
GO:0015297 - antiporter activity
GO Cellular Component GO:0005886 - plasma membrane
GO:0016021 - integral to membrane
GO:0016020 - membrane