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GO terms for UN63828 (based on top Swiss-Prot and TrEMBL hits)

GO Biological Process GO:0055114 - oxidation-reduction process
GO:0006351 - transcription, DNA-dependent
GO:0007275 - multicellular organismal development
GO:0009648 - photoperiodism
GO:0030154 - cell differentiation
GO:0006342 - chromatin silencing
GO:0006325 - chromatin organization
GO:0045814 - negative regulation of gene expression, epigenetic
GO:0006333 - chromatin assembly or disassembly
GO:0016568 - chromatin modification
GO:0009910 - negative regulation of flower development
GO:0009908 - flower development
GO:0010048 - vernalization response
GO:0010016 - shoot morphogenesis
GO:0006355 - regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent
GO:0009825 - multidimensional cell growth
GO:0048573 - photoperiodism, flowering
GO Molecular Function GO:0035064 - methylated histone residue binding
GO:0016491 - oxidoreductase activity
GO:0003682 - chromatin binding
GO:0003677 - DNA binding
GO Cellular Component GO:0000791 - euchromatin
GO:0005634 - nucleus
GO:0000785 - chromatin
GO:0005720 - nuclear heterochromatin