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GO terms for UN64271 (based on top Swiss-Prot and TrEMBL hits)

GO Biological Process GO:0000160 - two-component signal transduction system (phosphorelay)
GO:0006171 - cAMP biosynthetic process
GO:0006357 - regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter
GO:0006810 - transport
GO:0006355 - regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent
GO:0006351 - transcription, DNA-dependent
GO:0030435 - sporulation resulting in formation of a cellular spore
GO:0018106 - peptidyl-histidine phosphorylation
GO:0009190 - cyclic nucleotide biosynthetic process
GO:0016310 - phosphorylation
GO:0015031 - protein transport
GO:0007165 - signal transduction
GO:0035556 - intracellular signal transduction
GO Molecular Function GO:0016740 - transferase activity
GO:0016829 - lyase activity
GO:0000166 - nucleotide binding
GO:0016301 - kinase activity
GO:0004871 - signal transducer activity
GO:0000156 - two-component response regulator activity
GO:0000155 - two-component sensor activity
GO:0004673 - protein histidine kinase activity
GO:0005524 - ATP binding
GO:0001104 - RNA polymerase II transcription cofactor activity
GO:0005515 - protein binding
GO:0004016 - adenylate cyclase activity
GO:0000287 - magnesium ion binding
GO:0016849 - phosphorus-oxygen lyase activity
GO:0016772 - transferase activity, transferring phosphorus-containing groups
GO Cellular Component GO:0005768 - endosome
GO:0016021 - integral to membrane
GO:0016020 - membrane
GO:0016592 - mediator complex
GO:0005737 - cytoplasm
GO:0005634 - nucleus