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GO terms for UN66736 (based on top Swiss-Prot and TrEMBL hits)

GO Biological Process GO:0010468 - regulation of gene expression
GO:0009738 - abscisic acid mediated signaling pathway
GO:0006355 - regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent
GO:0007099 - centriole replication
GO:0009414 - response to water deprivation
GO:0007088 - regulation of mitosis
GO:0007052 - mitotic spindle organization
GO:0009651 - response to salt stress
GO:0008283 - cell proliferation
GO:0007098 - centrosome cycle
GO:0009739 - response to gibberellin stimulus
GO:0010183 - pollen tube guidance
GO:0007051 - spindle organization
GO:0007049 - cell cycle
GO:0009733 - response to auxin stimulus
GO:0006351 - transcription, DNA-dependent
GO:0010200 - response to chitin
GO:0009751 - response to salicylic acid stimulus
GO:0009553 - embryo sac development
GO:0007067 - mitosis
GO:0009737 - response to abscisic acid stimulus
GO:0006816 - calcium ion transport
GO:0009723 - response to ethylene stimulus
GO:0009753 - response to jasmonic acid stimulus
GO:0006950 - response to stress
GO Molecular Function GO:0003677 - DNA binding
GO:0005515 - protein binding
GO:0003700 - sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity
GO Cellular Component GO:0005700 - polytene chromosome
GO:0042025 - host cell nucleus
GO:0005634 - nucleus
GO:0005694 - chromosome
GO:0031523 - Myb complex
GO:0005737 - cytoplasm
GO:0016363 - nuclear matrix