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SNP of UN18519 at position 1269

Unigene IDPosition 1aPosition 2bClone IDBase at SNP siteCultivar
UN18519 12691269EX770172 ARaphanus raphanistrum subsp. landra
UN18519 12691269EX774420 ARaphanus raphanistrum subsp. landra
UN18519 12691269EY920968 ARaphanus raphanistrum subsp. landra
UN18519 12691269EV536750 GRaphanus raphanistrum subsp. raphanistrum (MS)
UN18519 12691269EX754056 GRaphanus raphanistrum subsp. raphanistrum (MS)
UN18519 12691269EX758464 GRaphanus raphanistrum subsp. raphanistrum (MS)
a "Position 1" refers to SNP position in the unigene.
b "Position 2" refers to SNP position in the alignment.