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SNP of UN09487 at position 892

Unigene IDPosition 1aPosition 2bClone IDBase at SNP siteCultivar
UN09487 889892EY935041 CRaphanus sativus cv Early Scarlet Globe
UN09487 889892FD573433 CRaphanus sativus cv Early Scarlet Globe
UN09487 889892FD575436 CRaphanus sativus cv Early Scarlet Globe
UN09487 889892EW718902 TRaphanus sativus var. oleiformis
UN09487 889892EY926334 TRaphanus sativus var. oleiformis
UN09487 889892FD934235 TRaphanus sativus var. oleiformis
a "Position 1" refers to SNP position in the unigene.
b "Position 2" refers to SNP position in the alignment.