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SNP of UN16253 at position 416

Unigene IDPosition 1aPosition 2bClone IDBase at SNP siteCultivar
UN16253 416416EX752668 ARaphanus raphanistrum subsp. maritimus
UN16253 416416EY893824 ARaphanus raphanistrum subsp. maritimus
UN16253 416416EV546802 GRaphanus raphanistrum subsp. raphanistrum (NY)
UN16253 416416EV551762 GRaphanus raphanistrum subsp. raphanistrum (NY)
UN16253 416416EX896329 -Raphanus sativus cv Early Scarlet Globe
UN16253 416416EX900270 GRaphanus sativus cv Early Scarlet Globe
UN16253 416416EY936510 ARaphanus sativus cv Early Scarlet Globe
a "Position 1" refers to SNP position in the unigene.
b "Position 2" refers to SNP position in the alignment.