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SNP of UN21566 at position 1011

Unigene IDPosition 1aPosition 2bClone IDBase at SNP siteCultivar
UN21566 10081011EW727560 ARaphanus sativus cv Early Scarlet Globe
UN21566 10081011EX895744 ARaphanus sativus cv Early Scarlet Globe
UN21566 10081011FD943352 ARaphanus sativus cv Early Scarlet Globe
UN21566 10081011FY440526 CRaphanus sativus cv GSK3-1
UN21566 10081011FY440797 CRaphanus sativus cv GSK3-1
UN21566 10081011FY443304 CRaphanus sativus cv GSK3-1
UN21566 10081011FY453659 CRaphanus sativus cv GSK3-1
a "Position 1" refers to SNP position in the unigene.
b "Position 2" refers to SNP position in the alignment.