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Information for unigene UN57845

FASTA Sequence
Unigene ID: UN57845Length: 308 SSR 

Annotation (GO term)
GenBank top hits (Blast detail)Scoree value
XP_002868685 GTP-binding family protein [Arabidopsis lyrata subsp. lyrata]2551e-020
NP_198812 GTP-binding protein [Arabidopsis thaliana]2406e-019
BAB10220 GTP-binding protein-like [Arabidopsis thaliana]2262e-017
XP_002328739 predicted protein [Populus trichocarpa]2049e-015
EAY73092 hypothetical protein OsI_00968 [Oryza sativa Indica Group]1984e-014

Swiss-Prot top hits (Blast detail)Scoree value
Q5QYB3 GTP-binding protein engA1391e-008
Q7N702 GTP-binding protein engA1246e-007
Q89MZ0 GTP-binding protein engA1238e-007
Q2IXA7 GTP-binding protein engA1238e-007
A4YUE1 GTP-binding protein engA1221e-006

TrEMBL top hits (Blast detail)Scoree value
Q9FLE0 GTP-binding protein-like2262e-017
B9N0K0 Predicted protein2046e-015
A2WM96 Putative uncharacterized protein1983e-014
B9EU67 Putative uncharacterized protein1983e-014
C5XKB1 Putative uncharacterized protein Sb03g0012201851e-012

Arabidopsis top hits (Blast detail)Scoree value
AT5G39960.1 GTP-binding family protein2402e-021
AT3G12080.1 emb2738 (embryo defective 2738); GTP binding1092e-006
AT3G12080.2 emb2738 (embryo defective 2738); GTP binding1092e-006

EST library breakdown for ESTs in the assembly
Library ESTsPercentage of ESTs in assembly
71  100%

Unigene Members