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Information for unigene UN76629

FASTA Sequence
Unigene ID: UN76629Length: 317 SSR 

Annotation (GO term)
GenBank top hits (Blast detail)Scoree value
AAM64433 similar to late embryogenesis abundant proteins [Arabidopsis thaliana]2603e-021
NP_181934 Late embryogenesis abundant protein, group 2 [Arabidopsis thaliana]2603e-021
XP_002880080 predicted protein [Arabidopsis lyrata subsp. lyrata]2532e-020
ACG28322 salt tolerance protein [Zea mays]2371e-018
ACG33320 salt tolerance protein [Zea mays]2371e-018

Swiss-Prot top hits Scoree value
No hits found  

TrEMBL top hits (Blast detail)Scoree value
O80576 At2g440602602e-021
Q8LCW6 Similar to late embryogenesis abundant proteins2602e-021
B6STY9 Salt tolerance protein2379e-019
B6T887 Salt tolerance protein2379e-019
C0PIQ6 Putative uncharacterized protein2352e-018

Arabidopsis top hits (Blast detail)Scoree value
AT2G44060.1 late embryogenesis abundant family protein / LEA family protein2608e-024
AT2G44060.2 late embryogenesis abundant family protein / LEA family protein2608e-024

EST library breakdown for ESTs in the assembly
Library ESTsPercentage of ESTs in assembly
111  100%

Unigene Members