BLASTX 7.6.2 Query= RU06787 /QuerySize=311 (310 letters) Database: TAIR9 protein; 33,410 sequences; 13,468,323 total letters Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value TAIR9_protein||AT4G27890.1 | Symbols: | nuclear movement family... 80 3e-016 TAIR9_protein||AT5G53400.1 | Symbols: | nuclear movement family... 78 8e-016 >TAIR9_protein||AT4G27890.1 | Symbols: | nuclear movement family protein | chr4:13886033-13887220 FORWARD Length = 294 Score = 80 bits (195), Expect = 3e-016 Identities = 38/54 (70%), Positives = 42/54 (77%) Frame = -3 Query: 281 SGKRVPNKGNGLDMEKYSWTQSLQEVNIIIPVPAGTKSRDIVYEAKKNRVKFGL 120 SG VPNKGNGLD EKYSW Q+LQEV I IP+P GTKSR + E KKNR+K GL Sbjct: 120 SGPIVPNKGNGLDFEKYSWGQNLQEVTINIPMPEGTKSRSVTCEIKKNRLKVGL 173 >TAIR9_protein||AT5G53400.1 | Symbols: | nuclear movement family protein | chr5:21661588-21663383 FORWARD Length = 305 Score = 78 bits (191), Expect = 8e-016 Identities = 36/54 (66%), Positives = 42/54 (77%) Frame = -3 Query: 281 SGKRVPNKGNGLDMEKYSWTQSLQEVNIIIPVPAGTKSRDIVYEAKKNRVKFGL 120 SG VPNKGNG D+E YSW Q+LQEV + IPVP GTK+R +V E KKNR+K GL Sbjct: 131 SGPIVPNKGNGTDLENYSWIQNLQEVTVNIPVPTGTKARTVVCEIKKNRLKVGL 184 Database: TAIR9 protein Posted date: Wed Jul 08 15:16:08 2009 Number of letters in database: 13,468,323 Number of sequences in database: 33,410 Lambda K H 0.267 0.041 0.140 Gapped Lambda K H 0.267 0.041 0.140 Matrix: blosum62 Gap Penalties: Existence: 11, Extension: 1 Number of Hits to DB: 1,658,669,864 Number of Sequences: 33410 Number of Extensions: 1658669864 Number of Successful Extensions: 92048679 Number of sequences better than 0.0: 0 |