SNP of RU27049 at position 1286
Unigene ID | Position 1a | Position 2b | Clone ID | Base at SNP site | Cultivar |
RU27049 | 1271 | 1286 | CT0032846 | T | Control |
RU27049 | 1271 | 1286 | CT0059978 | T | Control |
RU27049 | 1271 | 1286 | CT0058646 | T | Control |
RU27049 | 1271 | 1286 | ET0124771 | G | Ethylene |
RU27049 | 1271 | 1286 | ET0126732 | G | Ethylene |
RU27049 | 1271 | 1286 | CT0043168 | T | Control |
RU27049 | 1271 | 1286 | CT0022565 | T | Control |
RU27049 | 1271 | 1286 | CT0104355 | T | Control |
RU27049 | 1271 | 1286 | CT0100850 | T | Control |
RU27049 | 1271 | 1286 | CT0101684 | T | Control |
RU27049 | 1271 | 1286 | CT0021905 | T | Control |
a "Position 1" refers to SNP position in the unigene.
b "Position 2" refers to SNP position in the alignment.